Blog 001
For 09, I haven't entered a blog entry with meventing, so I guess it's a first. I decided to
change my header into something that was true
that related to everyone and anyone. It is true
if you put some thought and think about it. No
more customizing for me, I slowly died out in it
and found out im
more into Jordans.
I dont know, more
history in it. I
also recently selling off more and more shoes
slowly now. Since of Thursday I've just been
doing meet up's, and been playing Halo 3's
double exp, yeah no life here, but what is
there to do with no job and school for a while.
Been sleeping at
5 or 6 a.m. and
waking up at 1 or
2 p.m. I saw the
Superbowl on Sunday
after picking up Mitch
and Jed. Chilled and
played Monopoly with
KJ, Mitchs new friend.
Went to Sonics that
night and had the worst
service. Anyways I gotta
go to court for a speeding
ticket. Until then, 002.