Fully Laced meet ups.
Pretty good turn out. Brought my White Supreme Lows. Ended up trading them for Black Supreme Lows. Romar also hooked it up with Viotech Trainers & Viola dunks for $65. Good event & good people.A good amount of free stuff was given out. For those who missed out, def missed out. Can't wait for the next event.Fully laced x Street Team.
The only thing about the Supremes is that the midsole is painted, but i'm not really trippen. There a size 9.5, but I'm looking for a 9 in the same condition or almost same condition. Taking trades by the way. Comes with Original everything.
Violas are size 11.5 in woman's which is size 10 in mens. If anyone is interested let me know. Selling for cheap, comes with box. Anyone got yellow flat laces for the viotechs?
WDYWT 06.14.10 UN-DS 1994 White Cement III's.