Follow The Follow: Dunksrnice
Words and photos, Via -
This is the third episode of FOLLOW THE FOLLOW and it is profiled on a good friend of mine, Rolo. He is one of the few people I know that take as many photos as myself on a daily basis. He too, runs a heavy trafficked photo-blog that is just flooded with dope shots. He is also one of the few remaining friends that I know that are still in the sneaker game. I met Rolo about four years ago, if I am not mistaken. Way before I had moved out to California. I knew him from Myspace when the whole sneakerhead hype was still strong and lively. Before Tumblr, before Facebook, before all these social networking sites… There was forums. That is where all the talk was when I was in high school. These forums was a community of its own, an e-community that is. People would know people from across the country through these forums because of our shoe collection. I don’t remember exactly how Rolo and I came about contacting each other but I believe it was when we both were custom designing sneakers. Those days are long passed for me… It is just crazy how I met him when I still lived in Ohio, and now I kick it with him on the regular. Amazing how things have changed and how much both of us has grown and changed, yet still have not lost our passions.
Rolo is another person who has been in a field of study that serves no interest for him, simply because of his family. It is very common now a days that you hear people say that their parents only want them to get into certain majors in school because its what their parents want, not because its what they want. Rolo was fortunate enough to have the resources and support to drop his studies in business and nursing to go into photography. He now goes to Academy of Art University in San Francisco. I too, go to AAU and he knows exactly what I meant when I told him how great of a feeling it is to be able to go to school and sit in a classroom and be able to learn about stuff you actually have interest in. A lot of people don’t get to experience that. It’s a feeling like no other. To be able to experience both sides of the spectrum. Going to school for something you don’t have any interest in, and then going to a school for something you love doing everyday.
It was really dope to sit down with Rolo and chill with him today to talk about his story behind where he stands today. You can easily see his dedication and passion by looking at his photography. He is not afraid to break the rules when he is out and about taking photos. Just go see his work and you will see not only life through his eyes… but life through his Nikon lens.