001 of 366 || Hello & Welcome!
Happy 2012 all!
Yes you read that right; I am starting another 366 project. For those who are wondering why it's 366 and not 365, it's leap year. I woke up late today after a hard night of drinking with KJ's family party. Man they can drink and sure have fun. I believe Mitch, KJ, & Nick had a hang over because they couldn't really remember as much. Since we're all hungry, we wanted good food so we decided to eat pho. Pho never disappoints and always hits the spot. Since the pho restaurant only takes cash, we went to Rite Aid first to buy something cheap and get cash back. Headed back to the pho restaurant and it wasn't as packed. Ten minutes later, it got more packed but we were almost done. After eating, we decided to check this dollar store. The isles were very narrow and most of the items reminded me of any other 99 cent store. Got dropped off at my car and right before I was leaving, this white and grey cat kept purring and rubbing itself on my jeans. The cat's fur was pretty soft and wasn't growling or anything. Got in my car and drove home. The drive felt long for some reason. Maybe because I was really tired. Once I got home, my dog Mimi was wagging her tail and I said happy New Year to her. Threw all my stuff on the ground and crashed. Woke up and worked on my photos from yesterday and today.
Ever since I started a 365 project, I felt it will not only let me learn and grow, but it’s really fun. Yes I am aware of those boring entries were I didn't know what to photograph, but that's the challenge. It makes me think of new items to photograph. I had one rule were to post the day of, but due to my own lifestyle, I believe that it wasn't necessary. As long as the photograph was taken the day of, then I am fine. This makes me catch up on sleep, which is great. A new year means new challenges that lie ahead of me. Every year I try to come up with new ideas and in this case a new border, watermark, and post production. Again furthering my post production skills to better myself. Without further a due, kindly enjoy these photos!
001 of 366 || Pho.