017 of 366 || Cold
Had another full day at Fully Laced again. I was pretty tired through out the whole day but work was pretty chill. Since I was working with Zalo today, he had a photo idea for his car. He showed me a couple of photos at Twin Peaks he wanted to try and get and of course I went along with it. Ant and his girlfriend Annie stopped by the store as well and they wanted to tag along as well. After work we stopped by Zalo's to grab a few things and park my car there. I also got to see and take pictures of Zalo's dog, which was pretty cool. Headed out to Twin Peaks and met up with Ant and Annie there. Drove out to the spot but Mindy and Annie stayed in the car since it was really freezing. Probably out of all the times I went night shooting, this was the coldest night out of all.Their was this pathway were you can walk up a hill but it getting harder since the cold weather and air kept kicking in. Any didn't bring a tripod but was taking photos of me taking pictures. We didn't stay to long since we decided to cut it early due to weather conditions. Went back to Ant's car and took some photos of San Francisco. Since we got hungry, we decided to eat at Chipotle at Westlake. I was pretty tired and didn't want to fall asleep while driving back home so I decided to take a small nap at Zalo's. After about 30 minuets or so, woke up and drove back home.
017 of 366.