131 of 366 || Catching Up
Had the regular Thursday morning class. Didn't do much except learn how other photographers light the subject and what not. It was more of an optional class really. After class, hit up Steven since we were going to go shoot and catch up with one another. Since I had an hour to kill before I met up with Steven, I decided to go to the library and take a quick nap. Afterwards, headed down to Union Square to meet up Steven. Before we got started, we went to grab a bite to eat since we were hungry. After eating, started around Union Square then Chinatown and ended at Stevens mom's work place. It was really nice seeing his mom and giving us the chance to shoot such an amazing view of San Francisco waterfront. After taking picture, we just chilled and left when Steven's mom left as well. Since I was tired, headed home after a long day of shooting.
131 of 366.