249 of 366 || Almost
Had some errands to run in the early morning and afternoon. From there, headed out to Target to see if they had there restock of Campbell's Andy Warhol Tomato Soup and just my luck they had all four of them. I bought an extra set just in case. Since I had work in the afternoon, I was earlier than expected, so I stopped by Treasure Island to explore around and see if I can find a few new spots. I found some interesting spots and I thought later on at nighttime, I would do some night shooting. Work was pretty chill. Got some new stuff in at the store. A few people stopped by and ended the work shift with Mike. Afterwards, met up with Sean and Tiff at Treasure Island to do some night shooting. First, Sean and me took photos of his E92 335i BMW. A cop showed up and just asked us a few question and left.From there we headed to the spot and from there, we took some photos. We kept hearing weird noises so right before we were done, a cop shows up. Beams us with his lights and I started to panic a bit because I wasn't too sure what to do. We were in trespassing area, and honestly I knew we were either going to be in some big trouble or even worst than expected. I never been caught doing some illegal photos, but the cop kept rolling along and didn't say anything (Thank God) I believe it was the same cop that asked us questions. From there, I wanted to get the hell out and not think about it so we all left and went home. All in all, its worth the adventure, adrenaline rush and experience to go out and shoot, but once you're about to get caught up, that situation you envision in your mind isn't what you want to be in. Just an experience and makes me be more aware what I'm doing. As of tomorrow (Thursday) I officially start my Fall semester this year. The only thing I know what to expect is that it might be repetitive which is a good and bad thing. I'm just hoping I have good instructors like I have had these past two years and learn something each time that helps me for everyday as well as something to benefit me. Who knows honestly, just gotta wait and find out.
Courtesy of Mike Beastly.
249 of 366.