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Had one morning class and so far, this might be my easiest class for this semester. It's mostly a thinking class so it's less work. One thing I dislike about morning classes, I tend to fall asleep about halfway. After class, I headed to the library to take a power nap since I was tired and needed the energy for work later on. I ran into Blad and caught up with him for a bit. I didn't get as much sleep as I thought I did, but it was better than nothing. Since I didn't want to deal with unexpected delays from public transportation. I got to work an hour early and decided to stop by the office. Took some photos of Choy and say hello to everyone. Afterwards, headed back to Fully Laced because we finally got Bearbrick Series 24 in. I decided to get a box and try my luck in getting the ones I wanted. I got everyone I originally wanted but one. It was the horror secret, which is very vibrant and has an interesting concept design. I think I am good off this set and going to purchase that significant one off Ebay. Work was very chill as Brandon and Steph were in the store. I worked with Sharon until she was off and then Zalo and me closed. Got dropped off to Bart after work and went home after a long day. On another note, my prayers for those who have lost a loved one or someone they knew in the 9/11 attack. Crazy how it's been 11 years already. Although time has past, it's never forgotten.

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