313 of 366 || Cold
Started off my day by heading out to San Francisco to meet up with one of my instructors from my Tuesday morning class. I was able to turn in my assignment and take a take home exam. Not only can I take my time, it was something I wouldn't have to worry at all. Afterwards headed down to the library to work on photos. From there made my way to the printing lab to work on more photos and print. Since I had some spare time, decided to go shoot around downtown with Ryan. Not only that, I finally got my copy of the San Francisco Chronicle Victory Parade newspaper. Ended up staying at Union Square taking photos of random people since the tree was lite up but under construction. The cool thing was the ice rink was open and people were ice-skating very early. Headed off to class and went pretty well. Got great feedback from my fellow classmates and instructor. After class went home and relaxed.
313 of 366.