317 of 366 || Begun
Even though it was a holiday for some, I still attended class normally. Class went alright considering we usually get out a bit early. After class, headed downtown to meet up with Sean and Tiff for a bit before heading home with Mindy. I believe I was more excited to go home since Call of Duty Black Ops 2 drops at Midnight. My local Toys R us had removed the electronic department and replaced it with a Babies R Us. I had to go to another Toys R Us and it was dead empty. There was only one person waiting in line. Toys R Us knew what we wanted and knew it was freezing, so they decided to let us in and wait. Mindy and I roamed and played around until the clock stuck midnight. What was dope was that they marked the game $10 dollars less and gave us a 20% discount on our next purchase which made it even better. Before I knew it, I was already playing multiplayer with all the homies. Played for 4 to 5 hours and knocked out. My plan of not sleeping didn't go through somewhat.
317 of 366.