337 of 366 || Exhausted
Left Socal around 10:30 a.m. Made several pit stops heading back to the Bay Area. It was either gas was too high or the amount of times we wanted food. Got back to the Bay Area around 5 or 6 p.m. From there, we chilled just a bit before heading to the 2nd annual Fullylaced Christmas party which involved rock climbing. Fullylaced rented out Touchstone Climbing so we had the place to ourselves. I never rocked climbed before and I must say, it's a lot harder than it looks. Although it was hard, I had a blast. After rock climbing, headed home and ended up knocking out. I don't know when was the last time I just decided to go to sleep and forget everything including blogging. Probably a first I believe unless I'm mistaken. It was something my body and mind needed consider I never get to do this ever. All in all thank you Fullylaced Team for a dope party that I will never forget. Not to mention those who had my camera, credit goes to you who took pictures as well. I'm unsure who took a photo of who.

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