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Had my Thursday night class today. Class went fairly swell and a bunch of great laughs. Since my instructor let us out of class an hour early, decided to head to Embarcadero to go shoot. Hit up Steven to go see if he wanted to go shoot and he was down. Meet up with Steven, caught up with one another and just shot around. Didn't have a set plan but walking around and photographing whatever catches your eye is always great. Ended up shooting for a few hours and since it was getting late, decided to head home. Just one more week left and I shall be on break. Just have to focus and I believe everything shall be fine. Next week, my year-end recap should be up on 12.21.12. Apparently that is when the world end, which I don't believe nothing shall happen. It will be a regular day along with some hoax through out that day. Who knows, we shall wait and see. Stay tuned!
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