356 of 366 || Break

So as expected, the world didn't end. Just another hoax to fool or scare people. Before work, did some errands so I didn't have to worry about them. Had work in the afternoon until closing with Mindy, Mike, Steph, Jon, Sharon, and Zalo. Fully Laced was busy through out the day. After work, headed out to Vallejo to do a meet up and unfortunately didn't go quite as I wanted. Seems like I'm back on the hunt again.



2012 Black & Red XI's.

2012 Black & Red XI's.

Fully Laced, San Francisco.

Fully Laced, San Francisco.

Fully Laced, San Francisco.

Fully Laced, San Francisco.

Fully Laced, San Francisco.

Fully Laced, San Francisco.

Fully Laced, San Francisco.

Fully Laced, San Francisco.

Fully Laced, San Francisco.

Fully Laced, San Francisco.

Fully Laced, San Francisco.

Fully Laced, San Francisco.

Fully Laced, San Francisco.


356 of 366.
356 of 366 || Center Lane.