Had work in the afternoon until closing with Zalo. Work was pretty chill along and had a few people stop by. After work, it was another clear night in San Francisco and I knew I wanted to go night shooting again. The homie
Nikk wanted to go night shooting around Golden Gate Bridge and sure enough we did. Nikk's friend Adrian tagged along as well. We first decided to photograph Palace of Fine Arts. It was cold as expected but when we headed up to Marin Headlines, it wasn't as cold as we thought. It was such a beautiful and clear night, not to mention you can see the stars and a full moon! I'm still aiming to photograph this bridge with major fog because of the beauty of it. One thing for sure, no matter how many times I photograph the Golden Gate Bridge, I will never get tired of it. Thanks again Nikk for driving and I hope the new way of getting to Golden Gate Bridge helped. Thumbs Up*