Daily Adventures 078
July will be a very interesting month. Since Fully Laced had to move and open a pop up store, I have been given very little hours at the store. Still happy I have a job of course, but it's only for month to get use to. This gives me more time for photographing weddings and restoring sneakers. Due to the recent change for July, I won't have that many blog entries unfortunately. Until then and as always, Enjoy.For questions/inquiries for restorations - rolotanedojr@gmail.com

Thanks Don for the tee!

Some shoes I've been restoring. More will be posted very soon.

Recent pick ups because I haven't gotten the time to actually take photos of them.
A few weeks ago, I restored my homies 2000 Space Jams. Everything about the shoe was fine except that the soles needed to be reglued. Basically the soles were not attached or glued to the midsoles.

By restoring his XI's, he let me have these 2001 Navy & White I's as a bonus. I find it hard to accept shoes espically if their free unless it's a gift or earned. Not the best condition, but appreciated none the less. Thanks again Ris!
The midsoles were yellow and I's overall were dirty. The nubuck can be touched up, but it's fine for my taste.

While I was in Las Vegas for vacation, my good friend Jullian was able to pick me up Tiger Camo & Team Red Roshes. Thanks again Jullian.

In Vegas, I was able to pick these 2000 Concord XI's for a steal. I ended up regluing them, but will remove the yellowing on the soles and mesh.

July is my birthday month and I've been fortunate enough to have very good friends who gave me shoes for my birthday! It's a great feeling to know you have friends like this still.
First up, Tiffany SB's. Not just any Tiff's, but samples! Thanks Brandon!

Second, 1999 Metallic V's. This one I originally wanted to buy off my homie, but instead he surprised me by giving it to me for my birthday that's coming up. Although their cracked, it didn't bother me one bit. I was happy enough to just be receiving something like this. Thanks Bravo!