Mighty Killers Explore 3 - **Recap**
Every season, Mighty Killers (MKExplore) hosts these Instagram meets around San Francisco Bay Area. The first meet was held at Sutro Baths and the second was held at Rodeo Beach. Both meets have been very successful and for every time we try to host an event, we try to go above and beyond from the last meet. This time around, we decided to host it outside of San Francisco but still in the Bay Area.Before the actually meet, I decided to swing by and take some photographs off Highway 1. The MKExplore meet was held at San Gregorio State Beach in Half Moon Bay. It was nice for change even though the weather wasn't looking so great. At each MKExplore meet, we have a photo contest and the winner this time around go a chance to fly with Golden Gate Air. Overall it was such a dope turn out. Always good seeing people you haven't seen in a while and catching up with them as well as meeting new people who have the same interests you do. Can't wait for the next one!