08.29.15 Kicksfestusa San Mateo - **Recap**
It's been years since the Bay Area has had an actual sneaker collection competition. For many years, it's been a common buy, sell, and trade scene. From time to time you will have sneaker enthusiastic who display their collection but not so much a competition with other sneaker ehnthusiastics. I can only recall about two sneaker competition in the last ten years that was strictly a competition that gave out awards and not a buy, sell and trade scene.
This past Saturday in San Mateo Event Center, Kicksfestusa was the first sneaker competition in many years dedicated to collectors around the Bay Area. What made this event special was having well known sneaker collectors such as Acervan316, Phase 2, Ballintwn, SoleSupreme23, & Ahliang119 display their shoe collection as guests. Not only that local radio station Wild 94.9 was playing music, a three point contest where the winner gets a $500 gift card to Shoe Palace, and a special guest appearance by Tianna Gregory.
I was there mainly to compete and in the end, I ended up winning Best of Show Overall. I also got interviewed by the sponsor of the event Shoe Palace, so having those two of the event was something really special to me. It still amazes me that the love I have for sneakers has gotten me this far. Overall the event was great. It's always nice to catch up with familiar faces as well as meet new ones. Thank you for those who came up to my sneaker display and said hello. Can't wait for the next one!