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This past weekend, I came back from photographing my first wedding in Los Angeles (Socal). Not only was it exciting, but it was good to finally meet people I have known over the internet for years and my first wedding in Socal. The vlog below is when I chilled with Alex (@Sneakerheadinthebay) & (@Davidgotkicks) when we were in San Francisco about almost two weeks ago. I also did another unboxing video which you will see below.Summer 2016 has officially started (June 20th) and that same day, I came back from Socal. This coming weekend I will be in Sneakercon L.A and it's going to be good Thumbs Up*. I am taking online Summer Classes and with many people I knew who graduated this semester/term, I'm really happy for them yet it reminds me that they were once in my position before. Staying up really late to finish up assignments. Running on no sleep to get a passing or even a good grade because if you're like me, you have to no matter what because you're on loans to go to the school.
I have a heavy load especially with every wedding up until December. It's ALOT. It really is but I've always told myself that it's nothing that you can't handle because you will get through it. Sometimes I just feel as if I'm really doing so much that I mentally and physical can't handle it. All in all I just want school to be over because it will really be a load off my shoulders. Really. The goal is so close, yet so far. I got this. I know I do. Until the next season, I will reflect on life in general again.

Unboxing/Pick Up 03.
1996 Black & Red XI I.E Lows & 2013 Black & Red I's.