Work days
This is what I do at work.Twitter shout outs. I give anyone a shout out or promote there stuff. Follow me, @dunksrnice
Kplusvin @dunksrnice Spread the word Rolo, good looks. Help my cousin out!
Futuristic_Tom @dunksrnice show me some love on the blog and help promote my blog too.
tommy_picklz @dunksrnice ill take one sir (#shoutouts)
AlmostmichaelSB RT @dunksrnice: Doing a blog entry tonight, anyone wants there shout out's or help me promote them? Check out Rolo's Blog and photography.
- Thanks Michael.
zenabxftw RT @dunksrnice Check out his blog, got tons of posts
- Thanks Josh.
As always, peep my Flickr & Follow!
027 of 365, Were Back!
028 of 365, Hey Arnold! The movie.