2011 Recap - Through My Eyes *Over 500 Photos*

As 2011 comes to an end and 2012 is just right around the corner, I felt rather than doing my 2011 recap usually a day before the year ends, do it earlier then before - just felt right. I must say, it's been one hell of a year. I started several projects such as 365 & Day In Your Life, to photographing my first Wedding & a Concert Block Party to name a few. From the beginning of 2011, I decided to stay more open-minded towards projects rather than being selective. Take any photo opportunity and make something happen with it. Of course the way I vision it in my brain, doesn't always go the way you plan it and sometimes life in general takes over. It was not how many photographs I took or how many goals, rewards, and opportunities I gained, it was the people that made 2011 possibly one of the best years possible.

I just wanna thank everyone who made this year possibly the best. I don't want to be selective nor give certain people more credit than others. It should never be about that because you were apart of my life and you know exactly who you are. Those who have been keeping track of my lifestyle blog, What would you like to see more in 2o12 on this blog? Your answers do matter because I take consideration and probably making it happen. To be honest, I believe I have gotten better, but their is always room for improvement and advice. Of course, I shall keep taking photographs and updating as much as possible but who really knows what's going to happen. With that being said, Enjoy!

January 2011

Treasure Island, San Francisco Fireworks.
The first photo that started my 365 project which is now days being completed by the end of this year.
001 of 365

Christian's New Year party.
Why not celebrate and toast to a new year for hopes and dreams.
New years.

City at it's best.

Ron's balcony.
Day or night, I always loved this view and could never get tired of it no matter how many photos I took.
005 of 365.

Jed's Car.
At the time, my car was having issues, thanks Jed for driving, appreciate it.

Oracle Arena.
Eric got Mindy & I free tickets and watched The Golden State Warriors play for free. Thanks Eric.
008 of 365.

012 of 365.

Bay Bridge.

Day In Your Life 001, Gabe.
The first Day In Your Life featured my homie Gabe from Virginia. Decided to do it a bit different as a first and nothing but good vibes. Thanks Gabe.
013 of 365

Gabe, Mindy, Me, & Ron.

Mitch & KJ.
My two bestfriends who Mindy & I helped them move in.


018 of 365.

Jesse Hernandez, Mindy & I.
Met Jesse for the first time at Kid Robot with Mindy. Very chill and talented artist
020 of 365.

Kid Robot, San Francisco.

Ron's Balcony Again.
Airplans pass by as I snap for a photo. One reason why I never get tired of this view.

Kayla's Birthday Party.
A night with good company.
022 of 365.

Kayla's birthday.

023 of 365.

Benson & Marvin.


Day In Your Life 002, David.
Project 002 started off featuring my homie David who I met basically through shoes and forums. It's pretty crazy how the internet has evolve into meeting people.
027 of 365.


February 2011

Marvin King.

The first time I meet him was through school and he actually acknowledge who I was which was surprising to me. Even though I had one class last semester, it was nice chilling with him.


Chinese New Year
I celebrated a Chinese New Year for the time thanks to Eric and his family. It's nice to experience other peoples culture and explore.
Chinese New Year 2011.

Chinese New Year 2011.

036 of 365.

Grow alone.

I had more plans of actually relaxing at the beach with Mindy, but didn't have much time as much as I wanted to. Photos like these, make me want to work less.
038 of 365.


039 of 365.

Walk down.

Before the art piece got more torn down.
041 of 365.

Chinatown, San Francisco B&W.

043 of 365.

Valentine's Day.
We normally don't match shirts, but we decided to represent The Imaginary Zebra of course.
Mindy & I.

San Francisco Pillow Fight.
Every year they hold a pillow fight in San Francisco for those who don't have a valentine. Very fun experience.
045 of 365.


046 of 365.



San Bruno.

051 of 365.

054 of 365.

Day In Your Life 003, Kayla.
This was an eye opener and made me appreciate life even more. With Kayla fighting Lupus, and experiencing one day what it was like, I couldn't imagine the years. Not only was I able to photograph, experience, and learn abut Lupus, I was able to spread the word for those who were unaware about Lupus. Thank You Kayla.
055 of 365.

Chris & Kayla.

057 of 365.


058 of 365.

March 2011

060 of 365.

Ricky & Brendon.

Day In your Life 004, Marvin.
Documenting Marvin in his busy life makes you realize how hard he strives to were he wants to be. Some people think or believe he's got it easy, but he's just like everyone else trying to succeed. Not only was I able to document him in his daily life, I was also able to visit Pixar which was a dope experience. Thanks again Marvin.
062 of 365.

Day In Your Life 004, Marvin King.

Day In Your Life 004, Marvin King.

Mindy & I.

Greg, Arlene, & Mikey.

065 of 365.


Admire B&W.

When you least expect it, it may just happen. So long and farewell Huf. You will forever be apart of the Bay Area.
069 of 365.

Huf, SF B&W.


071 of 365.



Day In Your Life 005, Chris.
Documenting a great friend who has came a long way. Thanks for a great day Chris.
076 of 365.

Day In Your Life 005 - Christian Rabago.

080 of 365.


Ralph & Staci.


085 of 365.

086 of 365.

Point B&W.

090 of 365.

April 2011



095 of 365.



Day In Your Life 006, Benson.
Following around Benson and seeing how a clothing brand unfold and what goes into work in small projects to meet goals is no easy task. Gave me a glispe on how hard work pays off. Thanks Benson.
097 of 365.

Day In Your Life 006 - Benson Chou.


42nd Floor.
Thanks to Steven, we were able to access one of the buildings and just take photos. Such an amazing view.
101 of 365 - Hometown.


102 of 365 - Fast life.


Ron's 14-24 F/2.8.
This lens is just amazing. Although I am aware that you can't put any filter on the front element, only amazing can describe that lens.
107 of 365 - That glass.


Mindy, Jon, & Mitch.

Lori, Shela, KJ, & Schmelly.

One thing about the internet is the fact you meet majority of the people that way now. Michael came down to visit San Francisco and pretty much chilled and was able to see another amazing view of San Francisco from his hotel. Thanks Michael.
115 of 365 - Michael.

Growing Old B&W.

San Francisco, CA.

Pier 39.

San Francisco, CA.

116 of 365 - Fairmont Hotel.

Love B&W.

San Francisco Aquarium Of The Bay.
One of my favorite photographs I have taken this year. This was the defining moment were I realize I needed a better camera to better myself. This photo not only made me prove something of myself, but it actually broke the barrier and gotten me some work published.
118 of 365 - Aquarium of the Bay(Explored)

Aquarium of the Bay, San Francisco.

Aquarium of the Bay, San Francisco.

Aquarium of the Bay, San Francisco.

Aquarium of the Bay, San Francisco.

Aquarium of the Bay, San Francisco.

May 2011

122 of 365 - Visit.


San Francisco, Ca.

Thanks for caring B&W.

Other side B&W.

Fullylaced, San Francisco.


123 of 365 - Critic.

Chinatown, San Francisco.

Going up B&W.

129 of 365 - Collection.

130 of 365 - Progress.



133 of 365 - Good times.

134 of 365 - Prom.


Pat & Cindy.

139 of 365 - The Boiling Crab.

New Camer Body.
As of May, I finally upgraded my camera body after two years. Of course it's not the camera, it's just a tool to help me get the job done with desired results faster and better. One of the best investments ever.
141 of 365 - FX.

I told myself I wouldn't sell my old camera body due to the fact that I had a whole bunch of memroes, but unfortuantly I wasn't using it as much and it was collecting dust. I barely recorded videos and decided to sell it. I don't regret it because it's in the hands of someone who I know will take care of it.
142 of 365 - Memories.


The one that looks.





Two sides B&W.


Fullylaced, San Francisco.

Isolate B&W.

Jed, Eric, & Zalo.


144 of 365 - Bestfriends.

Grab a cart.



The Boiling Crab.

145 of 365 - Parked.

HWC X Elissa Alva.
One of the great things is networking with people all over the world. Thanks to Don for letting me photograph his clothing brand and Thanks to Elissa Alva for being the model along with Marvin.
HWC X Elissa Alva.

HWC X Elissa Alva.

147 of 365 - Photoshoot.


Self B&W.


Reach B&W.




150 of 365 - Golden Gate Bridge.





Fullylaced, San Francisco.



June 2011

California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco.

California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco.

California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco.

California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco.

California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco.

California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco.

California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco.

California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco.

California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco.

California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco.

California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco.

153 of 365 - California Academy of Sciences San Francisco.

Marvin, Ina, & Mindy.

154 of 365.

155 of 365.


157 of 365.

158 of 365.

De Anza High School Graduation 2011.

Jed B&W.



Day In Your Life 007, Romar.
Following Romar around for one day makes you realize how down to earth he is and make you appreciate the things you have in your life. Thanks Romar.
167 of 365.

Day In Your Life 007 - Romar Lamano.



KJ & Mitch.

Eric & Ron.

173 of 365.

174 of 365.

Upwards B&W.

Pose B&W.

Fruitvale B&W.



180 of 365.

July 2011

Leanne's 21st.
It was nice to have an invitation for Mindy & I to see our homies. Thanks Leanne & Marvin.
181 of 365.


Michelle & Mindy.

R.I.P JayR.
Although many of us have stopped crying, many of us have not missed you one bit.
183 of 365.



Treasure Island, San Francisco.

184 of 365.

185 of 365 - 2011 San Francisco 4th of July (Explored)


My Early Birthday Celebration.
Thanks Benson for driving and Ron, Marvin, Elissa, Michael, Chris & Kayla for spending that night with me. Good times.
186 of 365.

My Older Brother Reniel.
Got to see him before my birthday so that was great. Stay safe and see you soon.
Reniel B&W.

Happy Birthday To Me.
Thanks Marvin, Jed, Justin, Leanne, Marvin T, & John for spending my birthday with me.
188 of 365 - Happy Birthday to me.


Jed, Justin, & Marvin.

191 of 365.


Karen & Reniel.

Take 2.


193 of 365 - Isolation

Geo & K.J.

196 of 365.


199 of 365.

Abi's Pre Shoot.
Another one to add to the books. Thanks Abi & to your court.
202 of 365.

First Flight Together.
Since Mindy & I actually never had a real vacation as in just the both of us, we decided to fly to San Diego & Los Angeles for a weekend which was too quick. Next time will be a longer vacation for sure. Thanks Karen & Jamal for letting us stay at your place.


Mindy & Karen.


San Diego.
Even though it was the first time we actually met, thanks Isaac, Mike, Frank, Derek, May, Kat, Marvin, Ant & Mike S for the good times.
209 of 365.



San Diego, Balboa Park.


Eminem IV's.




Magic Mountain.
As a kid, I always wanted to go Magic Mountain but never had the chance. This was one of the reasons why Mindy & I wanted to come down to Socal. I can finally say I been to Magic Mountain and it was a blast.
Wonder Flash.

210 of 365 - Magic Mountain.

Los Angeles.
I always wanted to just drive and walk around L.A and just take photos regardless if it's day or night. My time during Socal was def worth it since I got to go around the city and take photos.
Los Angeles.

Pinks Hot Dogs, Los Angeles.

Los Angeles.

Tyler The Creator B&W.

RIF, Los Angeles.

illest, Los Angeles.

Alexander Spits.


Los Angeles Fam.
Thanks John, Bluee, Kamz, & Malie for showing Mindy & I around. Not only that, we finally got to met each other. Good times.
211 of 365.


Don, Esta, & E.P.
Although it was a very short talking and meeting you guys, we still managed to make it happen.
212 of 365.

Last Day In San Diego.
Went around shooting the city since I never really explored San Diego. Thanks Isaac, Andy, & Ant.

San Diego skyline.

August 2011

213 of 365.


Tommy & Arlene.
Coming back to the Bay Area, had dinner at Buffalo Wild Wingswith Tommy, Ron, & met Arlene for the first time.
Tommy & Arlene.

214 of 365.

Mindy & Rhandy.

My older brother Reniel came down again to visit. That night we had dinner to celebrate him coming home safe.
Tanedo B&W.

Abi's Cotillon.
Had the privilege of photographing Abi's cotillion. Thanks again Abi along with your family, friends & court.
218 of 365.

Eric & Ron.



San Francisco.

San Francisco.


Andrew & Mitch.

Andrew Nienu.

Tiger B&W.

223 of 365 - Six Flags Discovery Kingdom.

227 of 365.



Center B&W.

Chinatown, San Francisco B&W.

Brandon & Steven.

Day In Your Life 008 - Karl Orotea.

Sean & Tiff.


Day In Your Life 008 - Karl Orotea.

Day In Your Life 008, Karl.
The last of the Day In Your Life which I decided to stop. Although it was not easy, I did learn many things about people in their lives. Documenting Karl was about living life to the fullest and enjoying it while you can. Thanks Karl.
228 of 365.

Bladimir & Arthur.

Sold my D90 and it was some what hard seeing it go. Oh the memories, but it was time to move on to bigger and better things.
231 of 365 - Goodbye

Mindy & Hiero B&W.

232 of 365 - Yugioh.

233 of 365 - California's Great America


234 of 365 - Costco.

91 Ba4.

Done B&W.

235 of 365 - Jimbo.


236 of 365 - Parents.

Monterey Bay Aquarium.

Monterey Bay Aquarium.

Monterey Bay Aquarium.

Monterey Bay Aquarium.

Monterey Bay Aquarium.
My parents decided to go to Monterey Bay Aquarium and Mindy & I tagged along of course since I never been there before. Great experience and worth the drive. Another one of my favorite photos taken this year.
237 of 365 - Monterey Bay Aquarium

239 of 365.

241 of 365.


Schemlly B&W.

Figure out.

September 2011.

K.J & Mitch.

Marvin & Frankie.

Mindy & Benson B&W.

Side B&W.

Sit B&W.

Fly B&W.

245 of 365 - California Street San Francisco

Mike & Eric.



Embarcadero, San Francisco.

Treasure Island, San Francisco.

San Francisco Pier 14 Pano.
Night shooting with Eric and Mindy. On a good night, one of my favorite panos that I have done.
248 of 365 - Embarcadero, San Francisco Pano.



San Francisco.

250 of 365 - Mclaren Park, San Francisco Pano.



Incoming B&W.


252 of 365. -Llightning

Enter B&W.


257 of 365 - Bart B&W.




Pursuit Of Happyness.
One of my favorite photos that was taken by great friend Romar. When I was on that basketball court, I thought about a lot. Thanks again Romar.
258 of 365 - Pursuit Of Happyness.

Ride B&W.

John & Bluee.

Off The Grid, Fort Mason, San Francisco.

Off The Grid, Fort Mason, San Francisco.

Off The Grid, San Francisco.
John & Bluee were still in San Francisco visiting. I never really got into the hype of food trucks but it was nice to try it and I must say its def worth it. I don't think it's hype, it's more of food bringing people together. Thanks John & Bluee.
259 of 365 - Off The Grid, San Francisco Pano

F.A.M.E, San Jose.
Thanks to Bobbi Vie for inviting Mindy & I to take photos of the event. Not only that, but it was nice to see familiar faces. Thanks again Bobbi.
F.A.M.E San Jose, 2011.

F.A.M.E San Jose, 2011.

F.A.M.E San Jose, 2011.

F.A.M.E San Jose, 2011.

F.A.M.E San Jose, 2011.

F.A.M.E San Jose, 2011.

F.A.M.E San Jose, 2011.

F.A.M.E San Jose, 2011.

F.A.M.E San Jose, 2011.

F.A.M.E San Jose, 2011.

F.A.M.E San Jose, 2011.

F.A.M.E San Jose, 2011.

F.A.M.E San Jose, 2011.

F.A.M.E San Jose, 2011.

Enter B&W.

264 of 365 - Peir 7, San Francisco Pano.





Dream B&W.


Off To Los Angeles Again.
I decided to drive down to Los Angeles and cover UCR Block Party.
265 of 365.

2011 Block Party - University of Riverside, Ca

2011 Block Party - University of Riverside, Ca

2011 Block Party - University of Riverside, Ca

The Cataracs.
Had a privilege photographing them. At the time, Dev was pregnant.
2011 Block Party - University of Riverside, Ca - The Cataracs.

2011 Block Party - University of Riverside, Ca - The Cataracs.

2011 Block Party - University of Riverside, Ca - The Cataracs.

2011 Block Party - University of Riverside, Ca.

Big Sean.
Not only I am a fan of his music, it makes me photographing him a dream come true. I honestly felt like I was living my dream even if it was a short time. If it was never for Don, I would of never had this opportunity so I was very thankful and appreciated by this. True good friends will never let you down. Thanks Don.
266 of 365 - 2011 Block Party University of Riverside, Ca - Big Sean

2011 Block Party - University of Riverside, Ca - Big Sean.

2011 Block Party - University of Riverside, Ca - Big Sean.




267 of 365.

270 of 365.

Down B&W.



Mindy's Birthday.
Nothing but good fun times with great company. Ass Ass Ass Ass Ass Ass Ass Ass.
272 of 365.

October 2011.




278 of 365.

279 of 365 - 71.


Love B&W

San Francisco.

Hyatt Protest, 10.07.11

Hyatt Protest, 10.07.11

Hyatt Protest, 10.07.11

Hyatt Protest, 10.07.11

Hyatt Protest, 10.07.11

Hyatt Protest, 10.07.11

Hyatt Protest, 10.07.11

Hyatt Protest, 10.07.11

San Francisco, Hyatt Protest.
Always bring your camera because you never know what might happen. My photojournalist style in photography once again helped me capture moments leading to where my career goes as for photography.
280 of 365 - Hyatt Protest.

282 of 365 - Film

Bay Bridge.



Glow B&W.

Party Cup Tournament.

Party Cup Tournament.

Party Cup Tournament.

Party Cup Tournament.

San Jose, Party Cup Tournament.
Even those Fullylaced didn't win nor did we come in last place, it was all for the memories. Shout out to Fullylaced Fam.
287 of 365.

290 of 365.

291 of 365 - Pops


Walk B&W.

292 of 365 - Embarcadero San Francisco, Pano


293 of 365.

Mitch & Mindy.

294 of 365.


296 of 365 - Walk for Lupus Now

Troys 2nd.


295 of 365 - Carnival

297 of 365 - MKP





300 of 365.

Shadows B&W.


302 of 365.

303 of 365 - Aloha Pure Water & Shaved Ice.

Halloween 2011.
Last year Mindy & I were Carl & Ellie kids version, this year we were the grown up version. Thanks to Steven for taking the photos.
Halloween 2011, Up.

November 2011

Walking B&W.

Low B&W.



Almost that time.

Ron & Ryan.

309 of 365 - Pho.

6 Years.
Another blessed year for Mindy & I. Thanks Steven for the taking photos of us.
310 of 365 - 6 Years!



Painted Ladies, San Francisco.


312 of 365 - MW3


Four B&W.

Hold B&W.


Play B&W.

San Francisco B&W.

San Francisco, Coit Tower Pano.
One of the more liked photos but not my favorite. Just another pano to show San Francisco.
313 of 365 - San Francisco Pano (Explored)

V2 Stickers.
Dropped a second version of my stickers for those who want to support me in my photography. You can still order them Here.
314 of 365 - V2 Stickers.

315 of 365.

Cristel & Jeff's Wedding, 11.12.11.

Cristel & Jeff's Wedding, 11.12.11.

Cristel & Jeff's Wedding, 11.12.11.

Cristel & Jeff's Wedding, 11.12.11.

Cristel & Jeff's Wedding, 11.12.11.

Cristel & Jeff's Wedding, 11.12.11.

Cristel & Jeff's Wedding, 11.12.11.

Cristel & Jeff's Wedding, 11.12.11.

First Wedding.
I was honored and more then happy photographing my first wedding thanks to Ron and the help of Eric. I thought wedding were very stressful but to be honest, me shooting everyday made it a whole lot easier and I honestly don't mind becoming a full time wedding photographer. It's not about the money nor how many gigs you obtained, it's the previledge to photograph two loved ones wedding and your their capturing timeless moments. With my style of photojournalist style, it just makes it a lot easier for myself. Thanks again Ron, Eric, Cristel, & Jeff.
316 of 365 - Wedding.

Occupy San Francisco Protest.
Another protest helps me practice for my photojournalist style in photography. Not only does it help me, I am capturing a movement in history. I am just happy taking photos and doing what I love.
320 of 365 - Occupy San Francisco Protest B&W.

Occupy San Francisco Protest, 11.16.11

Occupy San Francisco Protest, 11.16.11

Occupy San Francisco Protest, 11.16.11

Occupy San Francisco Protest, 11.16.11

Occupy San Francisco Protest, 11.16.11

Occupy San Francisco Protest, 11.16.11

Occupy San Francisco Protest, 11.16.11

Occupy San Francisco Protest, 11.16.11

Occupy San Francisco Protest, 11.16.11

Occupy San Francisco Protest, 11.16.11

Occupy San Francisco Protest, 11.16.11

Occupy San Francisco Protest, 11.16.11

Occupy San Francisco Protest, 11.16.11


Fully Laced, San Francisco.


Palace of Fine Arts, San Francisco.

319 of 365 - Golden Gate Bridge Pano(Explored)


View B&W.

Undefeated, San Francisco.

Share B&W.

Growing B&W.

322 of 365 - Cable Car.

324 of 365 - Don.

326 of 365.

11.23.11 Viotechs.



Sunvalley, Concord.



San Francisco Tree Lighting, 2011.

San Francisco Tree Lighting, 2011.

329 of 365 - San Francisco Union Square, Treelighting Pano.

330 of 365 - Finger Lights.


Stonestown Galleria, San Francisco.

December 2011

335 of 365.

337 of 365.


M9 B&W.

Down B&W.


Ghirardelli Square, San Francisco.

Pier 39, San Francisco.




Twin Peaks, San Francisco.

338 of 365 - Fullylaced.


Bay Bridge.


Fullylaced, San Francisco.


Fullylaced Tribute Look Book.
I had an opportunity to photograph Fullylaced's look book and I was more then happy to do it. Thanks again Jon.
342 of 365 - Lookbook.

San Francisco Pano.

Karl & Kevin.

343 of 365 - M.O.M.A.


346 of 365 - Shop.

Commute B&W.

Eric & Jenn.

348 of 365 - Jesse Hernandez.

Spot B&W.

Downwards B&W.


Fullylaced, San Francisco.

Bus B&W.

Nordstorm, San Francisco.



Union Square, San Francisco.

Union Square, San Francisco.


Park, San Francisco.

350 of 365 - All Work All Play B&W.

Happy Holidays all, Cheers!