Last night I ended up going to sleep really late since I was working on my 2011 recap. In the morning, I woke up, dropped off Mindy at the Bus station and worked on it for the most part. Afterwards, Chris decided to visit and gave him some tips and pointers on photography since he's been asking for a while. It's always nice to give a helping hand because you were in their position before. Afterwards, since we hungry, we headed out to Red Onion since it's only local and hits the spot always. After eating, stopped by 7 Eleven for a few treats. Headed out to San Francisco for Fullylaced at Stonestown. There was a lot of traffic and parking was taking longer then expected. Chilled at Fullylaced for a while since Jon was talking to someone important and I had to drop off a few things. After that, I bought Mindy her Christmas gift in which shes been wanting an iPhone. Decided to go with Sprint since it was unlimited data for $69.99 compared to other wireless companies. After that, went back to Fullylaced to say bye and stopped by Tea Way since you can never go wrong. Took some photos of tree that was lite up by Haight Street and headed back home. All in all, a very productive day.355 of 365.