004 of 366 || Days In
Today I woke up around 11 a.m. I decided instead of waking up around 9 a.m., I'd get more sleep in since I have been sleeping late these past few days. I had work again at 4 p.m. Driving towards San Francisco, the clouds were just beautiful, I tell you. I will repeat this over and over; I never ever get tired of taking photographs of the clouds. The way its shape and form change over time and it's never the same and works in mysterious ways. Since Mindy and I had an hour of free time before work, we decided to get Tea Way. I believe my addiction for popping bobba and Tea Way in general has greatly grown and I can't stop, I mean who wouldn't? During the time getting our Tea Way, it was a bit crowded but managed to get through fine. Headed out to Fully Laced and had work until 9 p.m.My hours working at Fully Laced went by somewhat quick since it was more laughter than work. Their was a game were you would stand on the ladder and balance on two legs rather then all four the longest. Of course Mike won and I lost. A few heads came to the store and said hello such as Ant, Annie and Sean. I haven't seen them in a long time and finally met Ant finally. We decided to stop by Starbucks in San Bruno I believe and wait for Karl since he was down here. Since it was windy and cold, we decided to stop by Karl's place for a while to catch up and play Modern Warfare 3. Ant and his girlfriend left after a while and so did Mindy & I. My younger brother Rhandy found an puppy in the backyard and didn't have a collar or anything. He wanted to keep it but he's looking for a owner or anyone who wants a puppy.
I decided to do a panoramic photo for my 366 entry since I actually never did one inside the store in general I believe. I was going for a different perspective view along with something different. It helps me challenge myself.
Courtesy of Beastly Mike.
Courtesy of Beastly Mike.
Courtesy of Beastly Mike.
Courtesy of Beastly Mike.
004 of 366.