Had work from 4 p.m. until closing with Mindy and Sharon. Before work, decided to head out early to San Francisco to grab some Tea Way and relax. Came into work ten minutes early like always and the store was pretty packed and everyone was at Fully Laced. After work, I had to stop by the AAU photo studio on Sutter Street to do my assignment with Arthur. I decided to park at Zalo's place so I didn't have to pay for parking. About half way walking towards the studio, it was closed and I was pretty upset. Met up with Arthur at Union Square statue and talked about it everything in general. This semester at AAU is different and has changed, but I'll see how it goes. Decided to head back to my car and head home. Carl was there at my place waiting since he wanted to drop off his shoes for me to restore. My older brother who was in the Army is leaving in a few days so his friends were here partying of course.
While we were at Union Sqaure, they had these colorful lanterns lite up and it was a pretty site to see. I knew I had to photograph it and make it my 366!
034 of 366.