113 of 366 || DXC SF & Cherry Blossom Festival
What a long, fun, but exhausting day. Today marks the second Dunkxchange (DXC) of this year. I decided to actually enjoy myself more this time event rather than selling or buying. Although their were a few shoes I wanted, I didn't really bother as much since Brandon told me my shoes were waiting at his place that I have been waiting for the longest. For the most part spent my time chilling and helping Brandon and Val help sell their stuff. Saw familiar faces as well new faces, of course you guys and gals know who you are. Some supporters told me they appreciated my work and that is always appreciated no matter what. The event was held at a new location as well as Jesse and Bigfoot doing a live piece. The place had better lighting and was bigger. Can't wait for the next event, hopefully, it's at the same location.Afterwards, decided to leave around 3 in the afternoon to check out Cherry Blossom Festival. For the last few years I have been missing out due to work. The weather overall was overcast and windy. Since Mindy and me got there somewhat late, most of the food stalls were sold out. They also added more seating areas to eat and enjoy yourselves, which is good. Since DXC was coming to an end, we got a call from Jenn asking if we wanted to have a post DXC dinner and of course we decided to tag along. We ate at Bull Head, which was next to West Portal station. Afterwards, decided to go home since my head was hurting and I was tired. Overall a great way to end my weekend.

113 of 366.