134 of 366 || Moms

Had work all with Mike and Sharon until 6 in the evening. Afterwards, Mike and me decided to stop by Trader Joes to get some flowers but by our luck everything was taken. Not only that, Ryan had stopped by so he can give me the Disney Vinylmation Lombard which was really dope. When I got home, gave my mom probably one of the biggest flowers ever. Her reaction was priceless.

I had this great idea of recreating old photographs from family albums. Considering it's mothers day, I found an photograph when I visited the Philippines for the first time and my mom is embracing me which was about 20 years ago. I tried to emulate the environment, clothes, and expression of course. Although it's not the same, a photograph last a life time. Just like Andy Warhol said "The best thing about a picture is that it never changes, even when the people in it do."

Happy Mothers Day!


Fully Laced, San Francisco.

Fully Laced, San Francisco.

M & S.







S.F. Vinylmations.

134 of 366.
134 of 366 || Growing - Mom & I.