Daily Adventures 031
Yesterday was me and Mindy's monthly anniversary. She had purchased a deal off Groupon and decided to eat at a new restaurant. We ate at Crab Yard and it wasn't bad. Beats traveling to Boiling Crab that's for sure. Afterwards, decided to get something sweet to eat so we decided to grab some ice cream at Ici. Always a treat and they have new flavors every single day. After eating ice cream, headed home and called it a night.Today had the morning shift until the afternoon with Brandon. Pretty chill day until Steph, Zalo and Mike came in during the afternoon. Surprisingly Andrew Ho who is a well-known photographer and good friend of Zalo's said Dannie Riel was here in San Francisco. Thanks to Andrew for stopping by with Dannie and it was a pleasure meeting her. After work, I decided to stop by Sports Basement to purchase POP2013 tickets. First time being at Sports Basement and it's a dope place. I didn't want to buy them online because of shipping and waiting compared to buying them on the spot since I wanted the main floor. Not only do Mindy and I get access to lower and upper levels, but also I can bring my camera so I can definitely capture the event. After checking out Sports Basement, headed home despite being stuck in traffic.