Alberta Canada - 2019/2020
My goal for 2019 was to travel to one destination spot each month. For the first destination spot, I decided to go with San Francisco. I decided this as a starting point with some well known landmarks and ended with an Instagram Meet. The following months Monica & I were able to visit Big Sur, New York Twice, Japan, Arizona, Nevada, Seattle, Oregon, Burney Falls Washington D.C and the final destination spot Alberta Canada!There were some spots that she wasn't able to go such as Wyoming, Paris, Rome and Germany, but overall my goal really happened. Some issues came with it and trying to figure out where to next but in the end, it worked out.
Canada was a really great trip thanks to Monica and her family from Canada. Great amazing trip with snow and the cold weather of course. This was my last travel destination spot so I decided to just relax and enjoy it for once. Can't wait to go back.
You can watch all my 2019 travel destination locations from January to September HERE & October to December HERE. Enjoy!


