
Help me out and click on the links and ads at the very bottom of my blog. Appreciate it, Thanks!

Had a meet up to sell one of my shoes. Thank god, I'm making some money some how. Afterwards hit up some people. Decided to hit up San Jose Great Mall and just chill. Marvin & Ina came by. Marvin had let me borrow his 17-55mm f/2.8 lens since I returned his 10.5mm f/2.8. Such generosity from the guy, really. Afterwards, we decided to eat some Pho. It was on the house since Marvin's mom decided to say so and it was the holidays. Thanks again Marvin, although I already miss the 10.5mm Fisheye lens. Credit goes to Mindy & Jed for taking pics as we..

Twitter: shout outs

Launchpad54 - Lick? No thanks RT @dunksrnice: Working on pics. Help me out and lick the links and ads at the very bottom of my blog, thanks appreciate it.
- Thanks David, Oh & Fourm Mod of the year!

CommissionShop - @dunksrnice thanks for the shout out on
- Good looking out again.

gkZALO - Help him out, click on the links at the bottom of his page RT @dunksrnice Blog updated,
- Thanks Zalo.

lindaphile - RT @dunksrnice: Blog updated,
- Thanks Linda, appreciate it.

As always, peep my Flickr and Follow my blog!